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‘Researching and Evaluating Personal Development Planning and e-Portfolios.’

The first international residential seminar

9th -11th October 2006, the Oxford Belfry, Oxfordshire, UK, OX9 2JW



Day 1: Monday 9th October 2006


10.00 – 11.00            Seminar Registration (full and first day delegates).

11.00 – 11.30            Introductions and welcomes.

11.30 – 12.30            Delegate introductions, information and practice sharing, what issues are we bringing and what do we want from the conference? With John Peters

12.30 – 13.30            Lunch.

13.30 – 14.20            First keynote presentation (US)
Kathleen Blake Yancey, Kellogg W. Hunt Professor of English and the Director of the Graduate Program in Rhetoric and Composition, Florida State University.

14.30 – 15.30            Parallel workshops 1

  1. Unpicking the story
    Shane Sutherland and Lynda Holland

  2. Evaluation of the Profile e-portfolio system for delivering PDP to undergraduate science students.
    Holger Andersson and Stephen Gomez

  3. Enhancing PDP learning using visual techniques
    Lisa Webb

  4. Moving from Case Study to Empiricism: a basis for research into staff engagement with personal development planning.
    Carol Newbold and Alan Maddocks

  5. The Promise of Portfolios: Can e-Portfolios Meet the Challenge?
    Katharine Cummings

  6. Winning Hearts and Minds: Evaluation and Implementation
    Rob Johnson

15.30 – 16.00            Refreshment break

16.00 – 16.30            Parallel papers 1

  1. The REFLECT Initiative: Researching Electronic Portfolios in Secondary Schools
    Helen Barrett

  2. E-portfolios for Lifelong Learning: Listening to the voices of the users
    Janet Hanson and Barbara Newland

  3. Corpus linguistics and electronic portfolios: Making student learning visible.
    Glenn Johnson

  4. Five years of problem solving: a Meta Analysis of the Implementation of  
    Personal Development Planning at the University of Luton.
    Mark Atlay and Maja Jankowska

  5. E-portfolio: the golden cow? Milk for free or chained forever?
    Michael Schmidt

  6. How can e-portfolios contribute to academic development of students?
    Sanne Meeder and Janke Poortinga

16.45 – 17.15                        Parallel papers 2

  1. E-portfolios e-merging: sharing evaluation methods to examine success.
    Diane Goldsmith

  2. Reflections upon a student-led evaluation of transition and PDP
    Jennifer Patterson

  3. Enhancing student tutoring alongside PDP- an evaluation one year on
    Belinda Yamagishi and Nigel T Goode

  4. Can anything be learned from research on PDP?  A view across 25 studies of practice.
    Elisabeth Dunne

  5. Evaluating PDP: lessons learnt from co-ordinators’ first year experience in  three  schools.
    Claire Weston and Fergal Ennis

  6. Evaluating e-portfolios in context.
    Andrew Smith

17.15 – 18.00            Discussion Group

19.00                          Dinner
                                    An optional social event is also planned for this evening.

Day 2: Tuesday 10th October 2006

08.30 – 09.15                        Seminar Registration (day delegates).

09.15 – 09.45                        Parallel papers 3

  1. Portfolio development – reflection on, in, and for action. + ppt file
    Gwyneth Owen and Geraldine Hastings

  2. Eportfolio storytelling as 'everyday theorising'. Exploring professional learning narratives, digital 'becoming' and blogging as transformative socio-cultural spaces.
    Julie Hughes

  3. Is it all about me? Ownership and engagement in creative arts PDP
    Alison James

  4. Devising and Implementing a Record of Progress:  an action research project using student and tutor feedback to identify and resolve some dilemmas
    Mike Webb and Mehreen Mirza

  5. Can a systems thinking approach using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) be used to research PDP
    Megan Lawton

10.00 – 10.30                        Parallel papers 4

  1. Conditions for summative portfolio assessment in medical education
    J. van Keulen

  2. Maximising the potential of PDP processes in HE to enhance employability
    Chris Dillon and Lynda Hodgkinson

  3. Integrating Personal Development Planning and Training
    Aditya Jain

  4. Case Study: An evaluation of a collaborative initiative to pilot Trust competencies and  an IT Personal Development PlanLesley Moore

  5. Supporting and evaluating personal development planning in a work based project via a capstone e-portfolio
    Pam Irwin

10.30 – 11.00                        Refreshment break

11.00 – 11.50                        Second keynote presentation (UK).
Professor Patricia Broadfoot, Vice-Chancellor, the University of Gloucestershire. (7mb download)

12.00 – 13.00                        Parallel workshops 2

  1. The preparation and evaluation of reflective portfolios in art and design: the final year and beyond
    Richard Fynes and Hannah Swanston

  2. Evaluating Portfolios: Mirrors, maps and sonnets
    Simon Cotterill, Sue Gill and Jamie Thompson

  3. An elephant of many parts: evaluating the potential of e-Portfolios for capturing adult learning
    Simon Mauger, Jo Pye, Nick Lim, Stuart Farquaharson

  4. Research in the Wild: Principles for successful  practitioner Research from  the International Coalition for Electronic Portfolio Research
    Darren Cambridge

  5. Evaluating and Explaining Levels of Student Engagement and Disengagement with Electronic Portfolios for Personal Development Planning (PDP).
    Neil Currant and Christopher Murray

  6. Multiple Intelligences, Multiple Languages, and E-Portfolios: New Assessments for Learning
    Evangeline Stefanakis

13.00 –14.00             Lunch

14.00 – 14.50            Keynote Presentation
Wijnand Aalderink, Program Manager for e-Learning at Windesheim University of Professional Education in the Netherlands.

15.00 – 15.30            Parallel papers 5

  1. Designing an evidence-informed PDP environment to develop learner biographies
    Carina Buckley

  2. From Project Monitoring to User-Oriented Evaluation: Evaluating PDP and Effecting Institutional Change
    Catherine Howell

  3. E-portfolios within Professional Training
    Patricia McKellar

  4. Using self-efficacy assessments to evaluate the impact of the PDP processes on students' confidence in their ability to manage their development
    Sarah Wilson-Medhurst

  5. Intentions and Behaviour in Personal Development Planning
    Dominic Micklewright

  6. PDP and e-portfolios- evaluating the effect on the quality of student learning
    Wendy Clark

15.30 – 16.00            Refreshment break

16.00 – 17.00            Conceptualising PDP and e-portfolio (Whole seminar workshop)

17.00 – 17.45            Discussion Group

19.15 – 19.45            Seminar Reception

19.45                          Seminar Dinner

Day 3: Wednesday 11th October 2006

08.30 – 09.30            Seminar Registration (day delegates).

9.30 – 11.00              Developing and Mapping the research and evaluation agendas for PDP and e-portfolio.
Your contribution to building the research and evaluation maps.

11.00 – 11.30            Coffee.

11.40 – 12.10            Discussion group
 12.15 – 13.00           Inaugurating a European Coalition for PDP and e-portfolio research. 
Issues, proposals and ways forward.

13.00 – 14.00            Seminar close, lunch, depart.


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